This weekend would have been my Dad’s birthday. Well, that sounds wrong. It still is his birthday, but he passed away almost 25 years ago while I was in college.
I miss my Dad a lot. He definitely loved to follow sports like my brother I do today. I think he would have loved to do things like the baseball road trip that my brother and I did a few years ago. He didn’t really have to many attachments after he and my Mom were divorced and I think he would have jumped at the chance to do things with us like that.
He was a pretty funny guy and I know my kids would have loved him. I actually saw a meme or something like that out there and it made me think how much fun he would have had with the kind of cheesy, dirty humor you can find out there. It’s like the internet was built for his humor.
Stay safe out there!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Paul Mirabella
- Tuesday: Donn Pall, Bill Lee
- Wednesday: Chris Hammond
- Thursday: Scott Bailes, October 2021 TTM Report
- Friday: Scott Pose
- Saturday: Dave Fleming
- Sunday: Greg Olson
The #twofortuesday theme was all “Sox” this week. I got each type in: White and Red. The funny thing is I made a joke about double consonants ending Donn Pall’s names but then realized later that Bill Lee also ends his name in double letters. Kind of funny how that worked out and that I didn’t really notice until it happened.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Capt. Ron…
- Tuesday: Mo’ Money…
- Tuesday: Cooooop…
- Wednesday: Storm front…Howell do you do things?
- Thursday: Howell do you do things?
- Friday: Gare…
- Saturday: Fischlin for a compliment…
- Sunday: Mr. Ed…
This week there’ll be a #brewcrew #twofortuesday. Because of that, although you probably didn’t need it, you can definitely guess who is coming that day based on my clues. For the others I feel like there are some that are waaay too easy.
Other Notes
25 returns back this week. While that obviously isn’t my best ever like last week, it’s definitely keeping up the good vibes for returns. And the returns that are coming in are definitely getting more varied by sport. I really hope that keeps up through the end of the month. I think I’m probably due for some basketball surges. I wonder it that will beat out some football soon.
There were a couple stragglers that toyed with being out a year and one that was out for a year this week. Mike Krukow showed up at 365 days exactly and then Renie Martin and Kelly Gruber were both over 320 days. But those weren’t the longest. Jim Leyritz returned one after 512 days. There were some really good ones that came back too like Randy Jones, ERik McMillen, Tommy Greene, Paul Ysebaert and Jimmy Oliver
Have a great week!