Here in Northern Virginia we are just starting to get into that middle ground of “do I cut the lawn or do I rake the leaves?” It’s kind of funny because my backyard and my front yard are almost the opposite answer of each other. We are still at the mowing part (which in some ways takes care of the leaves), but I feel like that will be over soon.
In general, I don’t mind a little yardwork. It keeps me active and I get some steps in doing it. I don’t generally like it to take up a weekend morning, but I also don’t generally have the energy for it during the week. Plus now it’s getting darker earlier. To me the worst part when it comes to the leaves is not the blowing or raking, it’s the picking up. Sometimes I try to just push it to a place in my yard where I can leave it, but it’s always there looking at me… “you’re gonna have to pick me up some time.”
Well, time to put up Halloween decorations! Hope you had a good week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Russ Courtnall
- Tuesday: Brad Shaw, Michel Petit
- Wednesday: Randy Moller
- Thursday: Michel Goulet, Card Thoughts: 1990-91 Pro Set Hockey – Put It On Ice
- Friday: Mike Ramsey
- Saturday: Bob Kudelski
- Sunday: Rod Langway
This week was #hockey week. I thought with the start of the hockey season it would be a good time to put up some hockey-specific posts. One of my goals this year was to get to hockey so I was glad I found some wax boxes to help me get some more fodder for TTMs and actually get them out and back to get that done.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Slick…
- Tuesday: Should he not have cut his hair?
- Tuesday: Schayes lounge…
- Wednesday: His wife bugs him to Paxson the car for road trips…
- Thursday: He did it Alford love…
- Friday: Yo Adrian!
- Saturday: Your shot is de-Kleined…
- Sunday: Not enough vowels…
With #hockey week ending, it’s time for another theme because another regular season is starting this week. This time we are on to #basketball week and all of the posts will be basketball cards. Unfortunately I don’t have any boxes of basketball, so no “Card Thoughts” posts related to that this week.
Other Notes
This was a really weird week for returns. With Monday a holiday for the mail I thought it would be a little bit of a surge on Tuesday and it was with seven coming in. Then all the usual mail issues cropped up and I got four from Wednesday to Friday. Technically I should have had 2-3 more according to Informed Delivery. Yesterday I got a whopping thirteen in the mail. Plus my neighbor found one for me on the sidewalk just sitting there getting rained on. I ended up with an awesome week of 25. And there’s still some I haven’t received as always.
This week I got some returns that were new to me from guys I hadn’t tried before. Some of my favorites of that bunch were Kurt Rambis, Joe Jacoby, Tracy Murray, Paul Pressey, Fair Hooker, Ike Hilliard, Russ Morman, Reggie Harris, Adam Keefe, and Tony Dumas. You can see there was a lot of football and basketball in there. And there were more coaching returns too.
Have a great week!