I wish I understood the MLB blackout rules and the reason they put their games on different channels. I know that’s probably 1) not something new or that I am the only one who wants to understand, and 2) not something the is the worst for me.
There are two things that made me think about this. First, I think people who are Cubs fans in Iowa have issues with the Field of Dreams game. But I actually think it goes beyond that to all Cubs games. I don’t fully understand it. I just know that when the Mets come to DC, I used to sync the radio stylings of Howie Rose and Wayne Randazzo up to the TV while it’s on mute. But these days since I am a streamer… I have no choice to just to radio.
The other thing that made me think about this was that the Mets v. Phillies game Friday was on Apple TV. I won’t pick on the broadcast like others. Let’s just say I like what I like. I would rather listen to a team that has been which each other for a while, but I’d also like to listen to “my” guys.
None of this is groundbreaking, I just don’t get it. Why limit what people can access so much?
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Gord Murphy, July 2022 TTM Report
- Tuesday: Rene Lachemann, Darren Holmes
- Wednesday: Ed Romero
- Thursday: Jon Matlack
- Friday: Mauro Gozzo
- Saturday: Dave Lemanczyk
- Sunday: Mark Thompson
I had two chances at a theme this week. Unfortunately I wasn’t paying enough attention which is actually funny because I had some PTO from work and there was more time to pay attention to it. I could have had a Blue Jays or a Rockies #twofortuesday… oh well.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Ant Knee…
- Tuesday: Kind of an expanded version of Sherbet…
- Tuesday: Little guy…
- Wednesday: Drives a Bentley?
- Thursday: Jeremy spoke in…
- Friday: Check the Mike…
- Saturday: To Jean again…
- Sunday: Pasqua the Mic…
OK, this time I did check to see if I could adjust the order for a team and nothing came to mind.
Other Notes
Not too bad of a week with seventeen returns. I think since I was out the first few days of the week and then got all of them when I got back on Wednesday it didn’t feel like there was any rhythm to how I got them. It still seems like this is going to be a slow month. I think I figured out why too. I’ve been using a chunk of what I send out to go to coaches and current players. They are always either a crapshoot or they just take a while.
I had two stragglers this week from Kurt Stillwell (280 days) and Ron Francis (277 days). The Ron Francis was interesting because I received a more recent attempt from him last week. I guess he is going backwards through his mail.
The new Recent TTM Success is updated.
Have a great week!