Purchase: Ryan’s Vintage Cards #6

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

Welcome to another (not so recent) purchase post from Ryan’s Vintage Cards. The “not so recent” part is always a thing with me and purchases from Ryan these days… or from anyone. I’ve just been having a hard time getting my act together to post things. It seems that a holiday from work helps me out because the last time I used that to my advantage to finally get a post up too.

This time I’m picking one card from each pack to display. Maybe its the best card, maybe its an odd card… whatever it is, that’s what’s below.

Let’s get right into it!

The Big Willie

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

Ryan always has chase cards to look for in the packs. To this point I’ve gotten some really good cards, definitely cards that are great for me and that I enjoy, but not a chase card. Well, this time it’s different.

I hit the big Willie… literally!

I don’t have any Willie Mays cards in my collection so this one is really special to me. At least not any from Willie’s era (I have plenty in Gypsy Queen or Archives form from recent years). It’s a darn good looking card AND it’s in pretty great condition to boot. Normally the cards that are like this in my collection are a little worse for wear.

Needless to say, I was really happy to add this one to the collection.

Oldies and Goodies

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

Some other oldies but goodies that were in the packs. I have the Rob Blomberg signed via TTM… sort of. It’s actually the 1988 Topps “Turn Back the Clock” card though. So I think I’m going to try to get this out for him to sign. Maybe the Jim Palmer will end up with some ink on it too, but notice that has the French on there too… pretty cool.

As for old Dock, I love that one and I’ll always think of his pitching on LSD story when I see his cards. This might be my first of his as a Pirate though.

Some Others

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

I didn’t necessarily have a section for these but they were each a card from one of the packs. The Bud Harrelson is probably the most interesting to me here as a Mets fan. I know Bud has been going through a lot in recent years so I just wish him and his family well as they deal with Alzheimer’s.

There are always a good amount of 1989 Upper Deck cards in the boxes I get from Ryan. It’s one of my favorite sets and I think this is a good card to show why. It’s really nothing special, but the picture is so great. The colors on there are awesome and it really shows what Upper Deck was going to be all about for their cards going forward – quality images as a base.

I wouldn’t mind getting that Rollie Fingers out for signature at some point.

Hey There Tough Guy

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

This was just a group of tough guys that came out of the packs. Or at least guys that always felt tough to me. For instance, is there ever a time when Eddie Murray doesn’t look like he wants to kick someone’s ass? If there is, I haven’t seen it.

But of these three guys, who was probably the guy that would be the most likely to fight. Of course, the little guy of this bunch, Lenny Dykstra. And doesn’t the picture on that card make it perfect… dirt all over his uniform.

Odd Balls

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

These are just some odd balls in the packs for different reasons. It’s funny that 1984 Fleer is going to come up a few times from here to the end of the post. First, the orientation of the Forsch, Warren, Righetti card is just odd, but then each of those picture looks like they are trying to cut someone out of the picture. And with Warren sitting further down that looks funny too.

As for Steve Sax… I think we need more cards that combine together to make one card.

And Dante Bichette… when is a card not a card? If its metal is it a card?

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

What the heck is Jose doing to that bat?

What the heck is Andrew doing dressed up as a fish?

And why is Vince holding three bats?

All this and more on the next Unsolved Mysteries.


Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

These were some of the cards with more than one person on it. Well, on most of these its more than a person… on the ’75 card its just heads. What the heck is going on? Floating heads!?

Is that Brett and Perry card awesome or what? Let’s make a joke about the pine tar game by adding in a guy who is known to add things to a ball to get more movement. Way to have some fun on a card Fleer! Maybe one of the most fun cards I’ve ever seen.

Inked Up

Purchase: Ryan's Vintage Cards #6

This time around I didn’t get anything really crazy for autographs. Usually there’s one Hall of Famer that turns up. This time it was some pretty good guys but nothing super special with ink on it. I still enjoyed these though. I would say there were more consistently good cards with ink rather than the range of Hall of Famer to journeyman in this box.

And A Good Time Was Had By All!

As always I had a great time opening these up. I just need to turn that into posting in good turnaround time. I already have another purchase from Ryan on the way AND he’s already been posting about a big purchase he made to make more history packs. So much to be excited about from him.

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