Review / Preview – Week of 6/22

TTM Review Preview

This week was one of the roughest weeks I’ve had in a while. On top of everything else that’s been going on, one of the guys that works for me died. I can’t believe everything that his family is going through right now with what’s going on in the world and then this has to be thrown on top of it.

Last weekend I had to call all of his team and some of our colleges to give them the news. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do for work. Some took it a lot harder than others but saying it over and over was rough. I just didn’t want them finding out in some email.

There was a viewing/wake (not sure what you call it) yesterday and the family held up surprisingly well. I was his kid’s age when my Dad died and I was an absolute wreck. But while there was a lot of crying there was also a lot of laughing. He was such a good guy and a great father. So sad to see him go.

Give your families hugs and live every moment. Stay safe!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

So I finally got myself together to get in a #twofortuesday post. I honestly don’t know why it takes me so much effort to get those things done. It’s kind of the same with getting the themes done and ready. Some of it is a just me remembering (as we’ve seen with me getting these done). I guess I just need to try to make a habit (I seem to be doing that well in other areas that are less good).

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: The Butler did it… again…
  • Tuesday: Light purple… and the Importance of Being Earnest…
  • Wednesday: Cor-Dog…
  • Thursday: Jump in…
  • Friday: Off a Cliff…
  • Saturday: When you’re a Jet, sometimes you don’t wanna be a Jet…
  • Sunday: Ooh that Snell…

These feel a bit all over the place. Some names you really have to be in the mood for to be able to write a good Dad joke or find a good reference I guess. And as I write this on Father’s Day, if I can’t find a good Dad joke maybe I should turn in my Dad Card.

Other Notes

This week I pulled in another 13 returns. It was a little more spread out I think than last week, but obviously still great. I actually sent out a little more than usually this week. That wasn’t planned but I figured I would try to do a better job of catching some guys who are signing right now.

The backlog is now at 186 and I am damn close to having posts lined up until 2021. I won’t get there this week I am sure, but next week definitely. At this point I’m trying to close out a good month.

Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

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