Review / Preview – Week of 7/17

TTM Review Preview

This week I got back another package from Ryan’s Vintage Cards. It was another fun and successful bunch of packs. I had gotten two of the 20-pack offers the last couple times to try to up my chances. But I’ve gone back to just getting one of them. I figure that let’s me maybe participate in more of them because then I don’t have to skip the next one.

I got my first Stan Musial card! It was a beatiful 1958 Stan Musial All-Star card. Now, is it in the greatest condition… no. But it sure is good enough in my book. I love getting those boxes from Ryan because I’ve been able to get a few cards of guys that I’ve never had before and some cards from sets I’ve never had before.

Now, was I really Jonesing for the 1968 Tom Seaver – Hell Yeah! But I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth (well, I bought it so not exactly a gift but you know what I mean).

Ryan has another offer set up for next week. I’m hoping to be in on that too.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

I had a name for the #twofortuesday theme for this week… #MikerophoneCheck. I was able to fit in Mikes Krukow and Bibby for that. They just happened to be popping up for the week.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Train Trachsel…
  • Tuesday: Dennis the menace…
  • Tuesday: Looking good Billy Ray…
  • Wednesday: Zoo-Zander…
  • Thursday: Garman potato salad…
  • Friday: But a Lidster on it…
  • Saturday: At your Servais…
  • Sunday: About a Roy…

Going back to names for the #twofortuesday theme this week. It will be #TheSmiths.

Other Notes

As bad as last week was, this week so much better. I got back 23 returns with two of those being failures. Such a better result. Surprisingly, there were absolutely no stragglers in that amount. You would think that the more I get back the more possibilities for stragglers… but not so.

So who were the failures? Well, Gary Thurman who I sent to via the Nationals came back and then Trevor Wilson came back. I didn’t have an updated address for Trevor, but I thought I had seen others getting him back recently. The other good side to the week was that I got two paid returns back from Amos Otis and Gorman Thomas. Unfortunately I think Amos didn’t sign one card of what I put in a fee for. But maybe he’s changed things up. There just wasn’t a not about it or anything.

The Recent TTM Success page is updated.

Have a great week!

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