I’ve got some updates on things I talked about in recent weeks.
First, my buddy and his kids are still after it on the TTM front. They are still sending things out and their latest success was from Rick Cerone. In classic Rick Cerone style he signed the card sideways. Lovin’ that they are still going with it.
Second, on the bug front the cicadas are still around. One thing I find really interesting is the different experience of everyone based on where you live. For instance, the older the neighborhood or the more untouched your area is, the more likely it is for you to see more of them. I’m surprised we don’t see even more in our neighborhood, and we still see a good amount.
My aunt for instance lives about 10 minutes away from me in an older neighborhood and near a park. She measured the decibel level and it was 77 dBs. When I did it at my house the other day it was 63 dBs. Honestly not sure what normal is though. But my buddy who is like a half mile away and backs to a really large park thought he might be worse.
I notice this weekend I feel like its been creeping towards us more. I hear them more in the yard and around me than I ever did prior. And they tend to knock into you and land on you a lot when you are mowing the lawn and doing yard work. Not sure how much longer we’ll have to deal with it.
Hope you have a great week! Stay safe!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Rick Monday
- Tuesday: Glenn Hubbard, Joe Moeller
- Wednesday: Randy Jones
- Thursday: Roy Thomas
- Friday: Jay Aldrich
- Saturday: Bruce Coslet, May 2021 TTM Report
- Sunday: Brad Arnsberg
The only theme for this week was that Rick Monday made it in as a Monday post. Other than that there wasn’t much in this group to to for a #twofortuesday pairing or anything like that. A lot of these were first timers for me so that was nice to go back and look at.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: A name from a Jane Austen novel…
- Tuesday: Havin’ a Sammy for lunch…
- Tuesday: G Dubs…
- Wednesday: One of the great baseball mustaches…
- Thursday: Five consonants, one vowel…
- Friday: Great football name…
- Saturday: Teddy Ruskin…
- Sunday: Mr. Wendell…
Its a Steel City #twofortuesday this week with both of them being from Pittsburgh. But that doesn’t mean they are baseball like my usually stuff.
Other Notes
June isn’t starting out much better than May started or ended. I only had 10 returns come in. While I could chalk it up to being a short week, that normally isn’t what happens. Usually in a short week with no mail one day there will be a bit of a build up and I’ll get a ton on one day. Things just haven’t been coming in the same way.
I did get a bunch of new returns for me like Dave Van Gorder, Rich Yett, Sam Militello, Rafael Novoa, Ken Ryan and Bobby Crosby. Crosby is coaching the Midland Rockhounds so that was a pretty recent attempt. I also got two failures. They were both bad addresses but it’s interesting those don’t come back to you faster. These were out for 44 and 127 days.
Have a great week!