This year was the first year I wasn’t going to buy the standard Bowman offering. I normally buy a little just to see what’s out there, but I asked myself, “If I never really care about, why do I buy any at all?” So that was it, no Bowman for me going forward. Bowman Platinum had completely slipped my mind. I don’t think I’ve purchased any since maybe 2013. I like Bowman Platinum a lot back then, especially 2012. That was a great mix of the “platinum” feel plus some color. Then somehow it fell off my radar.
I was in a Walmart the other day (honestly that might have been a few weeks ago with the way I post these things) and I saw Platinum on the shelf and thought I’d see what’s in the product this year. It immediately felt like I was letting myself down. After opening I am now firmly not buying any Bowman. I’m not against it if you like it. It just doesn’t blow my skirt up…
2018 Bowman Platinum
I feel like when I first was into this product the platinum/silver/metal feel of it went with the product name. I haven’t paid attention to it since then and it seems to have evolved a bit as I did a quick Google search. I feel like these should be called Bowman Black instead of Platinum. The swirly looks cool but gets old to me.
These were the best of what I got. I’m not a prospector so a lot of the young guys in the product are wasted on me. I know, “So why did you buy it?”. At this point I can only say that I have no will power.
Platinum Prospects
These swirlies are different. I actually like that the prospects are always a little different on these sets. These seem to be even more different than normal with the swirl being on a completely different side. That at least helps me when it comes to sorting shuffling through them.
I have to admit I was proud of myself for recognizing Kieboom’s name. Then I watched a Nats game and realized I was thinking of the wrong one. It’s Spencer Kieboom that I recognize.
Platinum Inserts
The inserts in this set are something I can get behind. I tend to like card like the Rookie Revelations where there is a mix of a portrait and an action shot. That’s the “Platinum” feel I like to see. The Prismatic Prodigies is like Platinum and Topps Fire mixed together. I like that in an insert card. The Platinum Presence card is my least favorite. I feel like the way Platinum is written it’s a little out of place for that design.
Platinum Parallels
If I’m not big on the base the parallel usually isn’t going to be better. That said, the Greinke being out of 10 is pretty sweet. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much with that kind of number on it. Unfortunately the Syndergaard card was the only met I saw in the whole blaster. I think this one looks a bit like Bowman Platinum Holiday.
Overall, I think this just solidified my avoidance of Bowman. I’ll stick to the straight Topps offerings as much as I can will myself to do so.