Dion James TTM Success

Dion James TTM Success

TTM Stats

  • Sent: 6/22/17 | Received: 7/3/17 | 11 Days
  • ’88 Topps, ’88 Bazooka, ’89 Topps, ’90 Topps, ’94 Score
  • Address: Home

The Story of the Autograph

Dion James played for five different teams over his career (including time in Japan). He had a couple pretty good year including his rookie year. As for an odd tidbit on James, in 1987 he hit a ball off of a bird and killed it in flight. He reach second base and was credited with a double.

The Score on Dion James – 6.5

BraveSTARR Score LogoBraveSTARR Score 6.5

The way Dion’s “D” and “J” works together is pretty cool. I really like the way they are much more pronounced than his other letters. I’m going to have to find some more cards to send him because the later cards will be much better to sign. For instance, that ’94 Score really came out good and that is the best card.

Solid 6.5 for this round. Let’s see if I can get him some better material.

Dion James TTM Success


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