There was one less mail day this week and that means less chances for returns. Unfortunately it seemed a bit more so than usual. More on that later.
The extra day off from work allowed for me to do some extra organization and set up for future TTMs requests. With getting back the return from Ryan’s Vintage Cards and pulling out TTM opportunities from there it inspired me to take the time to go back through my TTM request stacks and see what I could pull.
I have a few boxes of things that are fodder for sending out and then I have some more honed down and specific boxes that I plan to write requests from. I got those filled up a bit more and got ahead on some letter writing. It felt good to get a little ahead of things, at least with one thing in the hobby. I’m still plenty behind on others.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Doug Dieken
- Tuesday: Steve Wilson, Gary Fencik
- Wednesday: Todd Jones
- Thursday: Warren Moon
- Friday: Merril Hoge
- Saturday: Rod Bernstine
- Sunday: Terry Humphrey
The #twofortuesday theme for this week was #chicagostyle. At first I was thinking that wasn’t very Independence Day themed, but then I thought about hot dogs. While the hot dog eating contest a New York thing, it still made me think of Chicago style hot dogs and that seems pretty American-themed to me.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Put on that red Dressendorfer…
- Tuesday: I went to the barber for a Krukow cut…
- Tuesday: My baby wears a Bibby…
- Wednesday: Let’s play Ostertag…
- Thursday: St. Petrick’s Day…
- Friday: Mr. Greene jeans…
- Saturday: Reading Rennie-bow…
- Sunday: Feeling Randy…
At first I didn’t think I had a #twofortuesday theme this week. Then I realized who was due to come up on tuesday. This will be a #Mikerophonecheck week.
Other Notes
Oh my goodness what a slow week. As I said earlier, there was one less mail day so you would expect the returns to be light volume-wise. But a lot of times that means it things just delay a day and the grand total is will up there. Not so this week.
This week I got back ten returns and one of those was a failure. So not very exciting. there were two stragglers: Andre Ware at 397 days and Bob Brower at 246 days. I didnt’t get back any paid returns but I did get a coaching return from Darren Holmes via the Orioles. My failure was from Elias Sosa. It looks like I used an old address and I am re-trying him at what I think is a new one.
The Recent TTM Success page is updated.
Have a great week!