It was my birthday last week. I’m am perfectly fine with not celebrating it too much. It’s not like it was some kind of milestone or anything. But this year it even came down to my family asking me what do you want to do for dinner and me not caring too much. I don’t know if that’s partly the pandemic talking or what. But I was just ready to make it a regular day.
In a case of perfect timing, I received junk mail from a retirement home on my birthday. I’ve been getting that stuff (and AARP) magazines for years, but it was very funny that I got one that day. I think I’ve been getting them for so long because my Dad (who passed away years ago) had the same name so maybe things got mixed up. Or maybe I’m just a retirement home mark – LOL!
I do share a great sports birthday with Sandy Koufax, Laila Ali, Lebron James, and Tiger Woods among others. Tiger and I actually share an exact birthday – which gives away how old I actually am, 46.
Everybody stay safe out there!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Doug Rader
- Tuesday: Rick Luecken, Barry Foote
- Wednesday: Ken Gerhart
- Thursday: David Fulcher
- Friday: Joe Sambito, Card Thoughts: 1991-92 Bowman Hockey – Same Same
- Saturday: Stave Trachsel
- Sunday: Tom Griffin
I didn’t have a theme for the week or the #twofortuesday this week. It was back to work for me after a week of PTO before Christmas, that took away a little bit for making the week too terribly interesting. Still there were some fun guys in the posts this week and I got another Card Thoughts post out. I’m on an OK run with that.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Bananas Foster…
- Tuesday: Blas from the past…
- Tuesday: Mr. Wilson…
- Wednesday: Rayford gun…
- Thursday: Greene with envy…
- Friday: Give a Hooton, don’t be pollutin’…
- Saturday: Kern-el of truth…
- Sunday: Mackanin daddy…
I’ve got a new theme coming up this week, but I’m still thinking of what to call it. I think it’s going to be #turnttmsintobandnames or something like that. If you’ve got a suggestion I’ll take it. But essentially I’m taking names of the players I’m posting and turning them into a band name. I’m trying not to give too much away for the weekly posts with the hints above.
Other Notes
I was pretty prepared for a lighter week of returns. The week prior to Christmas I got 22 and considering it was a week with a holiday (one less mail day) that was kind of right on track for what I figured I would get. But this week, another with a holiday, I got 28! That’s a great regular week, let alone one with a holiday.
I got a couple returns that really surprised me. First off, Woody Williams signed and I pretty much took a flyer on him. Second, Dallas Braden signed. I actually got back two from Dallas on the same day. It looks like I sent him one at the beginning of the season and then didn’t pay attention to that and sent another mid-season. I had tried him before with no luck so I was glad to see that come in. Those two from Dallas were the only two that were stragglers at 269 and 166 days out.
The new Recent TTM Success is updated.
Have a great week!