Review / Preview – Week of 9/30

TTM Review Preview

I get to work from home a lot. I only really need to go in when it’s really needed. Most times that’s because of a specific meeting or maybe one of my colleagues is in town or something like that.

This coming week we have the whole team coming into town and we are going to do some team event / all-hands type things. While going in is a hassle, I’m actually looking forward to it just a little bit this week.

The last time we had one of these events I had COVID and had to try to do it remotely. Doing those types of meetings remotely sucks anyway. But doing it from bed while trying to recover is even worse. So I’m actually a little bit excited to be able to see everyone and participate again.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

The #twofortuesday last week was all A’s. With them playing their last games in Oakland I thought it was appropriate and I happened to find some upcoming Athletics in the backlog that I had ready to go.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Yes, Jeff…
  • Tuesday: Don, D-Don, Don, Don…
  • Tuesday: Tommy gun…
  • Wednesday: Bryn the pain…
  • Thursday: Mike-rophone check, 1, 2, what is this?…
  • Friday: Fields of dreams…
  • Saturday: On your Mark…
  • Sunday: 3-2-1 Koncak…

There’s no #twofortuesday theme this week. I’m still just breaking through the oldest of the backlog. I had been getting ahead better to try to pull out more themes but then I look up and I’m almost behind.

Other Notes

This was probably the worst TTM week I’ve had in a really long time. I got back eleven returns and one of those was a failure. One thing to mention is that one TTMers not good week is another’s great week. I send out almost twice what I got back in a week so I expect to get more back. If I was sending out like five requests a week then it would be different. Getting ten successes back is a bit of a disappointment.

The failure I got back was from Stephen Baker (the touchdown maker – I can’t not say that and say his name). I think I was just trying an old address and this was a bit of a flyer. I think that’s a bit of my problem right now is that I’m in one of those lulls of where I had some more “getable” signatures lined up and now I’m out of that phase. That usually means I need to do another look through my cards and refresh my TTM boxes.

I didn’t have any stragglers this week with my oldest return being after just 69 days. I got a return from a team and that was from Casey Candaele, who I saw others getting, via the Buffalo Bisons.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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