Review / Preview – Week of 9/16

TTM Review Preview

This was a particularly eventful week overall. It wasn’t until the weekend that there was much interesting going on.

This weekend my oldest was in a student-run, “originals” production at college. That’s where all of the plays, or essentially scenes, are student written, directed, etc.. They choose six and they put them all on in one show. It’s usually a fun show with a mix of comedy and drama. There were your typical sort of artsy, kind of college cliche things put on. And the kids did well in those.

But the one my oldest was in was really clever and it was actually a musical. I found out after that there were like 10 minutes they had to cut out. The concept was based on the old photo of men on a girter. You know the ones building a skyscraper back in the day. It was fun, it had some commentary and overall they did a great job. I know I’m biased, but it was the best one.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

No theme for the #twofortuesday again this week.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Say it ain’t so Joe…
  • Tuesday: When you are upset, don’t Salkeld around the house…
  • Tuesday: Down the Bannister…
  • Wednesday: Darwin awards…
  • Thursday: Loynd of pork…
  • Friday: Joe-L, from Krypton…
  • Saturday: Walsh behind your ears…
  • Sunday: Louis, Louis, oh baby…

There’s no #twofortuesday this week again. It looks like I might finally be getting back to one next week I think.

Other Notes

So there were good things and bad things about my returns this week. The bad news first is that it was a somewhat down week with only 14 returns. But the plus side is that none of them were failures like in some more recent weeks. Hopefully that keeps up.

Another positive was that I got a paid return back from Ken Henderson. There was only one straggler this week and that was Shane Rawley who returned cards back to me after 275 days. There were only two others over 145 days so most things coming back are really recent.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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