Review / Preview – Week of 3/3

TTM Review Preview

The TTM game, much like hitting in baseball, is a lot about failure. Not that everyone should have a .300 average and be good, it’s probably over twice that to be good (depending on how you judge a failure). But what happens to those cards that don’t ever come back?

There are lots of things that can happen. If you send things to a team they could just get lost in the sauce at the team, or maybe they don’t even give things to players. Current players and former players alike could just not ever sign. If that happens, do they just trash your cards? Could they collect them and give them away? Who knows.

But what about those cards that do get sent back to you, but never make it back? For the second time this latest era of my TTM collecting, a distant “neighbor” sent me a package of my returns that ended up with them. This is all down to my terrible handwriting, but I don’t understand it all the time. The last time this happened I think the 7 in my addressed got taken as a 1. This time a similar thing happened, but in looking at the numbers, I would have thought a 2 might be the more likely interpretation.

But that’s not all! I live on a not normal named street that starts with a “CL” and the street it went to starts with a “GO”. I have no idea what is going on there.

The people were nice enough to put a package together and send it to me. I say nice enough (which they were), but they were also pissed that they keep getting my stuff (that’s the way the note read – but they didn’t say that exactly. Like the last time this happened, I’ll send them a gift card to Target or something for their trouble.

But I’ve also changed my habits. I went out and got myself an address stamp. Now there should be no excuses for the USPS.

I hope everyone is enjoyed their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

There wasn’t a #twofortuesday last week. But as I was writing this out, I guess I could have gone with a “lenn” theme with both GLENN Resch and LENN Sakata appearing.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: The apple…
  • Tuesday: Tony, but not the Tiger…
  • Tuesday: Don, D, Don, Don…
  • Wednesday: When I DiPino, you Dipino, we Dipino…
  • Thursday: Straw-Barry…
  • Friday: You’ve been Ban-nistered…
  • Saturday: Bath Taubensee…
  • Sunday: Yes Jeff…

There’s no #twofortuesday theme for this week. Just getting through some of the oldest in the backlog. The posts will have more of a basketball feel than I normally get to though.

Other Notes

I’ve now got a few good weeks piled up in a row. This last week I got 20 returns back with 18 of them successful. The interesting stragglers continued and I got back some team and paid returns.

The stragglers this week were from Brad Komminsk at almost a year (320 days) and then the significant one from Tyrone Corbin at 1211 days. That was sent back in 2021 if you are tracking. That’s a few of those in the last couple weeks. As for the paid return, I got back Bert Campaneris which is always nice. Then I got back two returns from teams. The first was from Darrin Jackson via the White Sox. The second, one of my failures, was from Jim Harbaugh via the Chargers. I guess I just used an old address I had for them, probably a different office in the L.A. area. The other failure I had this week was from Kelly Miller and I think I just tried an old address.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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