Karl Mecklenburg TTM Success

Karl Mecklenburg TTM Success

TTM Stats

  • Sent: 5/15/2019 | Received: 7/20/2019 | 65 Days
  • ’90 Pro Set, ’90 Score, ’91 Pro Set Platinum, ’91 Score, ’93 Score
  • Address: Home (address from Sports Card Forum)

The Story of the Autograph

This is my second successful return from Karl Mecklenburg. My first return from him came back in April 2018 and you can check out more about him in that post.

The Score on Karl Mecklenburg – 6.0

BraveSTARR Score LogoBraveSTARR Score 6

For a big dude, Karl has a somewhat small signature. It’s not small in the grand scheme of the autographs that I have. I just always thought of him as a big guy and his actually signature on this is small if you don’t count his number and the bible reference. He is a reliable signer though and that is appreciated.

Thanks Mr. Mecklenburg! I’m giving this return a 6.

Karl Mecklenburg TTM Success


Thanks for visiting BravestarrCards.com: Card Collecting and TTM Autographs.

Information gathered using Wikipedia and Pro Football Reference.

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