If you’ve read these old box openings from me before, you know that I like to find some interesting content outside of the normal stuff. While this set had some, what I opened was a little light on fodder. That doesn’t mean that what I found is good, I just felt like I’ve found more of it in other sets.
So let’s get into the quirkier side of 1994 Upper Deck Collector’s Choice.
For more about 1994 Collector’s Choice, check out my first post here.
So, Tell Us A Little About Yourself
This might be my favorite card of this set. There are so many things I like about this… First, of all the most obvious might be the microphone. I mean Ricky is definitely channeling is inner-most Wink Martindale. The cord on that thing suggest it’s connected to some old school tape recorder. It might be the most expensive thing ever, but it looks like the cheapest.
Second, Ricky’s hair is classic ’94. It’s a mullet, it’s mullet-ish, it’s great! And I don’t know the reason for one glove, but is he half cold? I really have to make sure I have two of these so Ricky can sign it TTM.
Totally Cool
OMG! What the heck is happening here. I’ve definitely seen some old cell phones on cards, and this isn’t the worst. But that phone Cal has it definitely of the old school brick variety. Good ol’ Greg on the quad reminds me of seeing players steal the them from mascots. I think Syndergaard did that a year or two ago in Philly maybe.
Even crazier are Jose’s glasses. I totally remember this kind of style. Now I don’t remember anyone I know actually wearing these. But I sure remember characters on TV or movies having them. And I feel like they were mostly jokes. Let’s hope for Jose’s sake that’s where he is going with it.
Sign Here
Of course you know I love autographs. So I think it fits that I love cards where players are signing autographs. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have many cards of guys singing autographs that I have autographs on. Wait does that make sense, yes I think so.
I don’t think any of these guys sign much any more, well, of course not Tony,. I think Lee or Shane might have at one time but I would be Lee charges since he can put “HOF” on there.
Squatty Potty
Ben McDonald is definitely catching. I know Anthony isn’t because he is on the mound. And maybe Luis is in between. I do like a card where the player is playing a different position (think Doug Dascenzo pitching).
A Pedro By Any Other Name
I think Pedro J. is quit enough person for us. I mean anyone with a sideways hat should be enough for us. So Pedro A. is just gravy I guess. These are the types of things I forget existed until I open up card packs again.
So You Want To Be On A Baseball Card, Huh?
Who talked Larry into creating that shot? Is it really needed? I guess we didn’t know he might go to the Hall of Fame some day. I’m surprised Bernie isn’t in an Astros uniform in that one (too soon – never). And lastly we have a shoutout to the shool day photos we see on cards sometimes.
Again, this was damn fun to open. I’d love to find another box to try to get more of the set and maybe complete it.