Don’t you love when you are pleasantly surprised by things?
This weekend we went to see the musical of The Color Purple. I had completely forgotten that we were seeing it this weekend. They were makeup tickets for a show that was cancelled, that we then went to anyway. But we had them like six months ago so I completely forgot about it.
My wife brought it up and then I was like, oh crap I gotta get in the right mindset for that because The Color Purple is some pretty heavy subject matter. I didn’t really know how much I was into it. But the show at Signature Theater in Shirlington, VA was amazing. The cast was great and their performances were amazing. Heck, even the stage was cool. Signature is a pretty neat place to see things and they did a great job.
I didn’t think it wasn’t going to be good, but I really didn’t know if I was in the mood for it. Turned out it was perfect!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Steve Comer
- Tuesday: Fred Lewis, Guy Hoffman
- Wednesday: Pat Scanlon
- Thursday: Jeremy Roenick, Card Show Review – August 27th
- Friday: Ron Karkovice
- Saturday: Bob Randall
- Sunday: Ryan Church
This was not a theme week but I was able to sneak in a theme for the #twofortuesday with two Reds popping up on that day. I was just clearing through the backlog and they happened to come in on the same week so it worked out. I also got a review out of the card show I went to last weekend – quite an accomplishment for me.
(Pats self on back)
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Miracle Gro-gan…
- Tuesday: Chip off the old block…
- Tuesday: Brady Bunch…
- Wednesday: Don’t mess around with Jim…
- Thursday: Fouts-ain of youth…
- Friday: Horton hears a Who…
- Saturday: I live near Clifton…
- Sunday: RUFUS!
Another theme is coming up this week! #areyoureadyforsomefootball is the theme with this being week 1 of the NFL as of Thursday. All the posts will be football related. The only one that won’t be is the TTM Report for last month that I plan to get out too.
Other Notes
It was a good week of returns with 19 successes and 1 failure. Rick Waits was my failure and I got that one right back out the door with another address I had to try. Hopefully that one will be successful because I see others have gotten back things from him recently
Some pretty nice stragglers came back this week too. The headliner was Paul Wilson who came back in 936 days. That’s going back to 2020, even pre-pandemic 2020. Other than that, Steve Dillard was at 276, Carwell Gardner was at 270 and Shane Greene returned in 202 days.
The new Recent TTM Success is updated.
Have a great week!