Let’s start off with a little musical inspiration…
I’ve been doing autographs through-the-mail for a little while now. Really ever since I got back into collecting cards. I had a little bit of a break around the time that I moved to a new house, but only because I couldn’t get a handle on organization again and where my cards really fit into my house/life. Since I’ve gotten back into card collecting and TTM hunting I really just continued on with the two things I was aiming for prior to stopping:
- Overall Baseball
- Sport Illustrated
I’m not going to say that the first of those is getting old, but I definitely am working on branching out into football. I’ll most likely keep up with some baseball as well, but I’ll probably focus more on football for the fall and winter. I think at this point I’ve had some good success with getting Sports Illustrateds signed so I’ll definitely keep up with that.
So…, What Are You Up To?
All this got me thinking. I’m wondering what others are up to in the TTM world.
My focus is so general. Yes, I like to collect my favorite teams and I like to focus on the Sports Illustrateds, but I’m VERY general when it comes to baseball. If I know a guys signs I will pretty much go after it.
I figured I would put it out there and see what others are interested in. I’m not out to be a copycat or anything. I’d like to see what others are doing and maybe get inspired to find a new path. Even if I don’t find a new path, maybe it will bring me back around to another path.
Tell Me About It
Tell me a little bit about who you are and what you’re after:
- Where are you from?
- How long have you been into card collecting and/or collecting TTMs?
- Who’s your favorite team(s)/player(s)?
- If you TTM, what do you like to collect?
- Do you have any specific goals currently (either for TTM or cards)?
You don’t have to answer all those things, I’m just interested in hearing something I might not have thought of so I can get some new ideas.