Johnny Grubb TTM Success Bill June 5, 2018 0 Comments John or Johnny? The cards voted and they say Johnny. John signed differently though. Find out more about John, and the BraveSTARR score for this return, in the post. Autographs, Baseball, TTM Detroit Tigers, Donruss, MLB, Success
Jim Leyland TTM Success Bill November 6, 2017 0 Comments The sideways signing of Jim Leyland always gets me. Find out more about Jim and what this card gets for a BraveSTARR score. Autographs, Baseball, TTM Detroit Tigers, MLB, Success, Topps
Steve Searcy TTM Success Bill October 29, 2017 0 Comments Steve Searcy a one time “future star” for Detroit signs a TTM autograph success. Find out more about Steve and what this return gets for a BraveSTARR score by clicking on that ’91 Stadium Club gem. Autographs, Baseball, TTM Detroit Tigers, MLB, Success, Topps
Torey Lovullo TTM Success Bill October 20, 2017 0 Comments Manager of the 2017 Wild Card winner Arizona Diamondbacks, Torey Lovullo, signs another TTM success. Find about more about Torey and his travels through the majors in the post. Autographs, Baseball, TTM Detroit Tigers, MLB, Success, Upper Deck
Frank Tanana TTM Success Bill October 18, 2017 0 Comments A TTM autograph success from a former fire-baller turn cagy vet pitcher. Frank Tanana always turns in something great. Check out Frank’s cards, a little about the man, and what these get for a BraveSTARR score in the post. Autographs, Baseball, TTM Detroit Tigers, MLB, Success, Topps