Review / Preview – Week of 8/30

TTM Review Preview

The kids were back to school this week. In some ways that meant for my life to return to some normalcy and in other ways it made for some craziness.

That mental cut off of the start of school being the end of summer was there. I think with the kids actually going back in school was what really did it last year. Unlike last year where it felt like some odd combination of a full year snow day mixed with actual school. So weird! But it was nice to hear the kids talking about seeing friends and actually having experiences with teachers and liking (or not liking) them.

The craziness so far has been related to drop off and pickup. We don’t live that far away from school but the bus does come through the neighborhood. But there’s a shortage of bus drivers which I think is national (or that’s what we are hearing) and they are talking about multiple runs going on. It just seemed more guaranteed to drive to school. But school wasn’t meant to handle the amount of kids and cars and there’s new traffic patterns… ay yay yay! And day one of school, the kids had no A/C. Oi!

So hopefully everything evens out this week a bit. I’m sure it will.

Hope you are doing well!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

It was an Expos #twofortuesday this week with Bryn Smith and Wallace Johnson in uniforms from north of the border. But the best part of the posts from this wee was probably the returns from two hall of famers: Jim Palmer and Gaylord Perry. Always nice to get someone like that and then have an excuse to check out their career again.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Mc<Comedians Name Here>…
  • Tuesday: He likes to drink the Meads…
  • Tuesday: Minus the “h”…
  • Wednesday: I always think of bagels when I see his name…
  • Thursday: Pope Benedict…
  • Friday: I love a good Burgmeier…
  • Saturday: Try to watch your Carbo intake…
  • Sunday: Butch, just Butch…

The #twofortuesday posts this week will be Texas-themed. That will be based on the teams they played for. That made me look at some past and future weeks I have coming and I realized how consistently I have Texas Rangers appear each week. I must be going through some time periods where I had sent a bunch of Rangers. Not that I plan that ever. But I have realized that they are a team I have a lot of.

Other Notes

So after a few weeks of 20+ return totals, this week was a little more normal with 18 returns. I think that’s where I’d like to see my minimum returns in any week. That ends up averaging to three a day (for days that we get mail) and that sounds pretty good to me. As I’ve been telling you I think in general Mondays have been awesome for me the last few weeks. This Monday will hopefully be another good one and make for a really killer August.

I got A TON of White Sox returns this week: Scott Ruffcorn, Mike Huff, Joe Borchard, Dave Stegman, Wilson Alvarez (although his return was only in a Tampa uniform). Just consider that’s almost a third of the total returns I got this week. Other than that some of my favorites were Bill Mueller, Denny Hocking, Larry Bowa, and Chris Hammond.

Have a great week!

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