Review / Preview – Week of 8/19

TTM Review Preview

The kiddos go back to school this week. Its bittersweet. My oldest is back to college but just down the road a little bit from me. I see them pretty frequently but it’s a lot quieter in the house without them here. We move them back in today and of course its perfect weather – hot, steamy, good chance of rain… perfect!

My youngest is back to high school starting tomorrow. I think that will be a rude awakening after a summer of sleeping late and lazing around the house. We’ll see how that goes.

Back to school is always a sign of the summer winding down. With school seeming to start earlier and earlier, that means it feels like less and less summer.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

Last week the #twofortuesday had a Mets theme. But when you look a little closer at the week it actually could have been three choices. The feature picture for Terry Collins wasn’t a Mets card though so I didn’t include it.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Waite a minute…
  • Tuesday: Bielecki-cycle…
  • Tuesday: Another Runge on the ladder…
  • Wednesday: The Donald…
  • Thursday: Wegman the dog…
  • Friday: You ain’t nothin’ but a Calhoun dog…
  • Saturday: The cable guy…
  • Sunday: Stocker the shelves…

The #twofortuesday this week is ATL-themed. I feel like that is a theme that comes up a lot. I don’t know if I just get a lot of Braves cards in general or if this is a phase that I went through for a period of time.

Other Notes

This was a really great week. I haven’t see a week like this in a long time. I got back 26 returns with no failures! It would kind of have to go this way in a week like this, but there were really just a few days of returns, but there were a lot of returns each of those days.

I had only one straggler in all that – Greg Kragen returned after 382 days. Other than that I got back one from Ricky Bones via the Nationals. No returns from paid signers, going through a little drought on that.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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