Wow it was pretty darn hot this week! I don’t know if it officially got to 100 degrees in Northern Virginia but it sure felt like it. I know plenty of you are thinking that’s nothing, I get it. I know its hot for us all. It just always seems like it just keeps going up and up.
But its not just the weather. I got some cards from @RyansVintageCards on IG and there were some doozies in there. I got an old Don Zimmer, a ’59 of a guy named “Whammy” and the best… a Thurmon Monson rookie! Sure it is a little beat up, but that’s just character right!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Steve Dunn
- Tuesday: Paul Zuvella, Mike Pritchard
- Wednesday: Bob Johnson
- Thursday: Billy Ashley
- Friday: Gary Nolan
- Saturday: Stan Clarke
- Sunday: John Wathan
I guess Mike Pritchard was the one non-baseball post this week. But he was part of the ATL-themed #twofortuesday I was able to put together.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Ramsey Tough…
- Tuesday: Carroll of the bells…
- Tuesday: Hull Breech…
- Wednesday: Let Russ cook…
- Thursday: Gant chart…
- Friday: Wiiiilsooooon…
- Saturday: Lindeman hop…
- Sunday: From Magnum PI…
No #twofortuesday theme for the coming week. I’m back to the very, very oldest things in the backlog.
Other Notes
As for the incoming TTMs for the week, I was back to having one of the better weeks. I got 20 total returns and 18 of those were successful. The two failures I got were from Terry Kennedy and Bob Boone. Boone is coming back vacant so I am not sure what is up with that. As for Kennedy, I think I forgot a unit number so I got that back out before the end of the week for another try.
I didn’t get back any significant stragglers. The closes to over 200 days (which is what I am normally looking for) was Jessie Hester at 182 days. I didn’t get back any paid returns or anything I sent to teams recently.
The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.
Have a great week!