Review / Preview – Week of 7/15

TTM Review Preview

I got to take a little PTO this week and go visit some family back home. That was nice but I know I am going to pay for it this week. I already see that I have about 300 emails to check. Hopefully most of those are just junk I can ignore.

Why don’t people pay attention to “Out of Office” messages more. I feel like we don’t do a great job of letting people take their PTO. We always talk a good game, but we never really let anyone take off too much. At least not where I work. Anyway, back to the grind this week.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

  • Monday: Tony Delk
  • Tuesday: Sean Landeta, Jim Sweeney
  • Wednesday: Pete Coachman
  • Thursday: BJ Armstrong
  • Friday: Gilberto Reyes
  • Saturday: Todd Greene
  • Sunday: David Benoit

While I was just getting through the oldest backlog this week, I still found a #twofortuesday theme… #newyork. And as it turns out I was going home to New York! What a coinky-dink!

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Dunn deal…
  • Tuesday: Zu-Zuvella…
  • Tuesday: Pritchard to the choir…
  • Wednesday: Another Bob…
  • Thursday: Two first name club member…
  • Friday: Another two first name club member…
  • Saturday: Yet another two first name club member…
  • Sunday: I’m always Wathan the mailbox…

I have another #twofortuesday theme. It’s going to be city-themed again and this week its for the ATL. But I am thinking that this week is looking like I should do something for a whole week of “two first name club” members.

Other Notes

This week was back to being a bit light on returns. I mostly got back two per day except when I got things back. The week had a total of twelve returns with only one of those being a failure. That was from Jim Gantner who returned my cards in the return envelope (or someone did) with no note as to if he signs or not or charges or what.

Other than that I didn’t even get back any stragglers. The oldest return was 31 days old. I did get back one return from a team and that was Jose Guzman with the Texas Rangers.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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