This weekend the band got back together!
Our old bassist was in town so last night we went out for some dinner and playing some pool. It was great to see him and catch up with the rest of my bandmates. We were loving the music selection in the bar/pool hall as we played.
One thing I can tell you is that I suck at pool. But damn if some of my buddies aren’t really good. They are super nice to play with too. I definitely find it helpful to learn a bit along the way. Last night I learned a lot about how to better plan shot angles and set up the next shots you want to make. By the end of the night I was feeling a lot better about my game. Not saying I’m any good still, but I felt like I could at least make a game against some people closer to my skill level.
My buddy did say he was supposed to play earlier in the day with an old coworker who once said he was good at the game and after playing with my buddy he basically replied, “you should be careful about saying that you are good.” I guess it’s all relative. But it turned out it didn’t work out for them to play and we were kind of laughing that it maybe there was something behind that.
Hope you had a great weekend too!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Don Beaupre
- Tuesday: Derek King, Gene Richards
- Wednesday: Luis Pujols
- Thursday: Derrick McKey
- Friday: Willie Hernandez
- Saturday: Juan Marichal, May 2022 TTM Report
- Sunday: Barry Bonnell
No themes this week but there are a couple things to notice. First off, I got two hockey posts in. This just happened to be the way they came up in the backlog and it was right off the bat to start the week (or should I say “off the stick”?). Then I’m only missing football for a full variety of what I have. And lastly, I got the monthly report out. Later than I would like but it’s an accomplishment to get it out.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Maverick and Guz…
- Tuesday: Have a Cocanower and a smile…
- Tuesday: Now I Leius me down to sleep…
- Wednesday: K-E-L-L-Y, Why?…
- Thursday: Bobby pin…
- Friday: Tackett up on the board…
- Saturday: The Young and the restless…
- Sunday: Only one “t”…
There are some pretty easy ones for this week if you are in on the TTM game.
Other Notes
I had 18 successes this week. I think things were pretty consistent this week and I got at least one a day except for one day maybe. But overall this is the bottom of the range I sort of expect to be in so that works. It was a pretty even split of guys I’ve gotten in the past and guys I’ve never tried before two.
I had absolutely no stragglers this week. My oldest return was out for 69 days. I feel like that makes this one of my more straggler-free weeks that I’ve ever had.
The new Recent TTM Success is updated.
Have a great week!