Time for another personal story from what I have going on in my life… hope you find it interesting.
I always find it interesting to see what my kids are experiencing and think back to how I thought about doing different things for the first time. I have a terrible memory so I don’t really remember how I felt. But I find it interesting to watch their reactions. Sometimes that’s for a movie or a TV show and other times it something they are doing.
This week, and this weekend more specifically, we borrowed my brother’s car for my daughter who is trying to get her license. We’ve been driving our own cars but I wanted her to get the experience of driving something else because it would be different when she does the “behind the wheel” class.
He has an older Toyota Corolla and it was funny to see her hit the brakes and the accelerator for the first time after driving my new-ish car steadily over the last year. When the brakes didn’t work as well and the power wasn’t there when she hit the gas, she was definitely thrown off.
I know how I feel now when I jump in different cars to go someplace so I’m guessing I felt similar to how she did for her first time switching cars.
Stay safe out there!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Jay Tibbs
- Tuesday: Gary Mielke, Mark Gubicza
- Wednesday: Bennie Blades
- Thursday: Tommy Greene
- Friday: Toby Harrah
- Saturday: Greg Gagne
- Sunday: Don Money
Something funny I noticed was that my two for Tuesday post initials are GM – MG. I didn’t plan it that way but I’m noticing it just now as I write it out. I’m still just working through backlog and unfortunately will be for the foreseeable future with the way my real-life / non-blog schedule is going these days.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Forever Young…
- Tuesday: That’s Pat…
- Tuesday: Not a Mitten-er but a…
- Wednesday: Which Fontes does he rank highest?
- Thursday: Spike it…
- Friday: Pistol Pete, but not who you think…
- Saturday: A fancy name sort of…
- Sunday: Underrated pitcher for a certain period…
Some of these are less jokes and more riddles. Maybe I’ll have to change this section up if I can’t make it fun enough going forward. Even if that is just fun enough for me.
Other Notes
This week I had 15 returns. That’s trending to be a little bit lighter than things had been. With about a week and half left in the month I think this could definitely turn out to be my lesser month for the year, but probably still better than most months I had last year.
The failures are definitely creeping up a bit. While some of those are for bad addresses and guys I probably took a flyer on, others are odd. For instance I got back Keith Miller RTS but I see others getting him back. Maybe he’s in the process of moving and not everything gets forwarded. Not sure but that’s just one example.
Have a great week!