Last week was such a mess! After travelling for work for more than a week prior (including a weekend – yuck), I got back and tested positive for COVID. I think I’ve had it worse before, but there were a few days this week where it was tough.
I think maybe the worst part ends up being the isolation. I don’t have a great alternative solution to an office from my bedroom so it’s kind of working for the bed all the time. Nothing is comfortable and just being stuck up here is the worst.
My oldest is home for Spring Break and I barely saw them this week. I was also supposed to see my Aunt and Uncle who were down from Long Island and that has to wait a week. Just made for a hard week, not just for me but for the whole family. Especially my wife since I was travelling before and I was pretty much useless being sick.
Hopefully I’ll be back on track this week.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Alfred Anderson
- Tuesday: Billy Sample, Rod Gilbreath
- Wednesday: Jeff Hornacek
- Thursday: Jerry Grote
- Friday: Ed Vande Berg
- Saturday: Gerald Young
- Sunday: Johnny Grubb
I forgot to tag the #twofortuesday posts as such last week. It was all ATL with two Braves cards coming in on the list from the backlog.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Cliff hanger…
- Tuesday: Will.I.Am.s…
- Tuesday: Bobby pin…
- Wednesday: I’ve got a Glanville-dular problem…
- Thursday: Holman, now hit it…
- Friday: Keys to the city…
- Saturday: Just a Little…
- Sunday: Hrkac Circus…
The #twofortuesday will be related to the Windy City this week. Both posts are going to be from guys on Chicago teams. Not that you couldn’t do it for any Chicago team, but these team names work great when they open with “Da…”
Other Notes
I had 20 returns this week, so another good week in the books. It feels like my process adjustment is currently working. I try to get out 18 per week. Within that 18 I get out six that are sort of random, six that are guys that I have seen at least somewhat recently return, and then another six that are recent returns but I have a lot of cards for them. So two thirds are really all about guys I have seen signing recently.
Within what I got back this week there were only really three things that I saw that were interesting. As for stragglers, Alan Knicely returned my request after 319 days. I also got a paid return from Bill Lee back. And lastly, every other return was very recently sent out. Only two returns this week were out for over 40 days. All others were at most 33 days out.
The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.
Have a great week!