This was almost a really great weekend. It was one of those sports weekends with a good bit of my teams playing. It seems that lately things have been a bit up and down. One time a team plays well, but then another doesn’t. This week it was almost there.
Mason men and women won, Everton won, and some other things I was just watching in interest seemed to go my way. Then unfortunately both of my teams that play in The Garden didn’t have things go so well. Yesterday both the Knicks (who have been playing so well) and the Rangers (who really haven’t played well at all but just brought back JT Miller) lost. Well crap!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Glen Wesley
- Tuesday: Wayne Granger, Gary Nolan
- Wednesday: Scott Bailes
- Thursday: Frank Tanana
- Friday: Rob Mallicoat
- Saturday: Jose Guzman
- Sunday: Claude Osteen
It was a Reds #twofortuesday last week with Wayne Granger and Gary Nolan appearing. I was going to say it was from the Big Red Machine, but not being a Reds fan, would you consider the beginning of the 70’s to be part of that? That’s when Granger played with them and I think that is maybe the beginning, but not sure exactly of what you consider that era as a fan. If you have a thought – let me know?
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Make Hayward…
- Tuesday: Brohamer and nails…
- Tuesday: Harlow can you go…
- Wednesday: C is for Cookie…
- Thursday: Eichhorn of plenty…
- Friday: Kerr-b your enthusiasm…
- Saturday: Walk a Kyle in my shoes…
- Sunday: Smail mail…
For this week, no #twofortuesday theme. I think I will be back to one next week though.
Other Notes
Big change last week because it was a really good week of returns. I got back 22 returns and only one of them was a failure. I just seem to be so up and down lately.
The failure I had was from Tyrone Corbin. I thought I saw a return someone got from him recently, but maybe I read that wrong when I attempted that. There was no new address to try for him that I could see. Other than that I got a couple of stragglers from Ben Rivera (376 days), John Wathan (344 days), and Kurt Knudsen (206 days).
The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.
Have a great week!