Review / Preview – Week of 2/28

TTM Review Preview

I would say it’s unbelievable that it’s about to be March and we aren’t close to baseball… but is it really?

I have a hard time being on one side or another on this. I certainly don’t want to be on the side of the billionaire owners. But then I don’t know if I want to be on the side of millionaire players either. I think the biggest group of people to feel for are the lower level players and minor leaguers that get impacted by all this.

Sure a lot of those guys still can make a lot of money when you make the big leagues, but it’s really those in between players that struggle I think in all this. And of course, how could all these folks not help the minor leaguers a bit more so they can literally survive.

Crossing my fingers for baseball soon…

Stay safe and healthy out there!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

No themes for this week after a week of themes. This was just a week to clear out some of my oldest returns in the backlog.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: I love getting a Bahnsen Mi sandwich…
  • Tuesday: F*** Navarro…
  • Tuesday: Ticket Stubbs…
  • Wednesday: Bob’s yer uncle (again)…
  • Thursday: Mr. Anderson…
  • Friday: Sid the kid…
  • Saturday: Let’s go fly a Kite…
  • Sunday: Ricky ticky tavi…

This week the #twofortuesday will be all Brewers. I feel like I do that a lot, but then again, somehow I feel like I’ve had a ton of Brewers in my returns in the last year so…

Other Notes

Wow, everything has been up and down lately, but mostly down. At least for returns that is.

After a comeback week of 27, this week I only got 17 back. I say “only 17” but those weeks around 30 spoiled me. But 17 is closer to what I was seeing at the beginning of this month. The short week for mail certainly didn’t help at all. It was funny though that I pretty much got all my mail on Tuesday and Saturday aside from maybe two other returns during the week.

I did have a couple good stragglers this week though. Johnny Damon was out for 750 days and Scott Hemond was out for 482 days. The next closest to those was Gary Wayne who was out for 192 days.

The new Recent TTM Success is updated.

Have a great week!

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