Looks like I might be coming up on another time that the blog will be a challenge. I have to travel for work a few times over the next several weeks… including staying the weekend. Ugh! That just means I’ll be busy with other stuff. That leads to late posts (if I don’t forget or miss them completely – crossing my fingers).
But maybe it will allow me some catch up time. It’s easier to work with two monitors which is not usually something I have in a hotel, but maybe I’ll find a way around that.
I did get some blog work done this week though. The MLB Spring Training team address page is up and running.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Glen Wesley
- Tuesday: Mark Robinson, Mike Simms
- Wednesday: Al Hrabosky
- Thursday: Paul Wagner
- Friday: Wendell Davis
- Saturday: Del Harris
- Sunday: Greg A. Harris
There wasn’t a theme for the #twofortuesday posts this week. It did involve two teams that have some of the most iconic, or maybe memorable jerseys of all time. Mark Robinson was in the old pumpkin Bucs uniform. Mike Simms was in an Astros uniform, but not the old Tequila Sunrise version. The other thing I realized about this week was that I went from Wendell on Friday to just Dell on Saturday.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Oh Mickey, you’re so fine…
- Tuesday: Kidd-ing around…
- Tuesday: Moore cowbell…
- Wednesday: Dale or no Dale…
- Thursday: You da Manny…
- Friday: Steven is my name…
- Saturday: We Cotto get out of this place…
- Sunday: Almon joy…
There’s no theme to the #twofortuesday posts again this coming week. These are just really random things from the very back of the backlog.
Other Notes
I had another solid week of returns this week with 18. One of those was a failure and like last week, it happened that I got the failure right at the end. The failure was cards being sent back because someone charges. That someone is Pat Underwood. I have no issues with people charging because that is there perogative, but he is asking five dollars which is a little steep for me with regards to his place in baseball, etc., but again, he can ask what he wants and then it’s my decision.
I started off the week of the week with straggler from Scott Servais. I used a personal address on this one but it was out for 615 days. He’s usually quicker than that, but I think I usually send it to the Mariners. I don’t know why I chose to send it personal that time. Other than that… no other stragglers.
I got back two paid returns this week too. One was someone I think I was resending and that was Darrel Chaney. The other I was really excited to get back as it was from David Code. He returned a nice ’89 Topps card to help me fill out more of the Mets ’89 team set.
The Recent TTM Success page is updated.
Have a great week!