I’m not sure why it took me so long to notice, but I just sort of realized how much pumpkin / pumpkin spice stuff we have in our house. I should really expand it to fall flavors I guess because some of the cinnamon and apple stuff really get pushed these days too.
Some of it’s my own doing admittedly. While I am not necessarily a devotee of the pumpkin spice phenomenon, I do like fall flavors and I am a sucker for that section in the grocery story. I think I’m technically a sucker for any special section in the grocery store. Pair that with the fact that places like Trader Joes and Lidl do a good job of showing that stuff off and having things you want to try out all over, and I think you got me.
We definitely have muffin mixes, cookies, coffees/teas, ice creams/ice cream treats, etc.. Well, somebody has to try it right? Might as well be me I guess.
Hope you had a good week!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Slick Watts
- Tuesday: Ralph Sampson, Danny Schayes
- Wednesday: John Paxson
- Thursday: Steve Alford
- Friday: Adrian Dantley
- Saturday: Joe Kleine
- Sunday: Mike Gminski
Last week was #basketball week with the start of the NBA season. It was good to see some of the basketball that had come in, most of it from a while ago. I didn’t have a #twoforteusday theme but I should have. I totally missed that there were two Mavericks among last week’s posts.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Take a Pyz…
- Tuesday: Most games pitched…
- Tuesday: A Kevin from the mid-80’s Mets outfield…
- Wednesday: Two first names, one boy and one girl…
- Thursday: If he named a son after him would he be Junior Sr.?
- Friday: Mark it down!
- Saturday: This is a Long one…
- Sunday: From The Goldbergs…
Back to no theme this week. That essentially means its going to be all baseball next week… which it is. These will be some older posts as I continue to work through the backlog. A backlog that is getting bigger and bigger as I have bigger months along the way this year. We will have a Mets #twofortuesday this week!
Other Notes
This week was a bit more consistent than last week was. Still some envelopes that are technically outstanding. This week I had 21 returns come in.
I’m not really a Next Door app site type of person but I do follow it a little bit (mostly just to laugh at the crazy) but I’ve heard that some people can explain the craziness of the mail in my area. So the story goes that someone talked to our Post Office folks and they said they basically have a load of what I think is unsorted mail. They can go through it but they do it when they have extra time. The issue with this an Informed Delivery is that the pictures come from the regional site and not your local site. So they larger office will say it’s coming but it might not be. Then I think the local office battles with the larger office a bit. Mail drama I guess
I got a little bit of everything except hockey this week. One was a real straggler and that was Luis Rivera which was a Spring Training attempt from 2018. Others I liked were Dave Freislaben, Dave Corzine, Dave Beard (enough with the Dave’s), Lynn Dickey, Andrei Kirilenko, Jim Colborn, Keith Jennings, and Doug Dieken.
Have a great week!