This was a pretty good week overall. As for the TTM side of things, you probably saw it early in the week, but I’ll save for later. For other stuff though, the family saw Rent, work went well enough without too many issues, and now we’re heading into a long weekend. I’m hoping that the snow and ice don’t put a damper on things and make things a pain in the butt.
With the NFL playoffs this weekend it made me wonder, who do you root for when don’t have a dog in the fight? I think for my dog (the Giants) people might have said there wasn’t a fight in the dog. That seems to be a lot like a lot of my teams right now – the Mets (hopefully turning that around), the Giants (ugh!) and Everton (not even getting started there after the latest news). Thankfully the Rangers have been fun to watch!
But back to my question… I think most of my rooting isn’t as much rooting for as it is against. Sure some of that is to root against the favorite and root for the underdog. Other parts of that is to hope that a different team makes things more fun to follow than the same old name. But some of it is also pure, good ol’ fashioned schadenfreude. That’s to have happiness in seeing others fail (or it is for this purpose).
I think as a New Yorker you kind of learn that when you grow up. There’s multiple teams in every sport so it’s easy to say, “if the Mets can’t win, I want to see the Yankees lose.” Probably not the healthiest of outlooks, but it’s something I feel you learn along the way.
So maybe I shouldn’t have asked who are you rooting for, but also who are you rooting against…
Stay safe and healthy!
The Review
Here’s what happened on the blog last week:
- Monday: Dave Schmidt
- Tuesday: Duane Ferrell, Dick Schofield
- Wednesday: Toby Harrah
- Thursday: Mike Bibby
- Friday: Don Robinson
- Saturday: Nyjer Morgan, 2021 Year-In-Review TTM Spectacular
- Sunday: Steve Trout
So unfortunately, no fun theme this week unlike the previous week. But I did get my Year-in-Review post out so that’s quite a success for me. I have a few of those that I do and at some point they get a little tough to keep cranking out even though I do like putting together the stats and looking into them.
The Preview
Here’s what I have coming up for this week:
- Monday: Tower of Terrell…
- Tuesday: I’m lookin’ at the man in the Mura…
- Tuesday: Horton Hears a Who…
- Wednesday: I don’t really like uniforms that are Allred…
- Thursday: Mr. Wendle…
- Friday: Put on my O face…
- Saturday: He wore a different kind of Jordans…
- Sunday: “I don’t like films with too much Gorman…
The theme for this week’s #twofortuesday is going to be around the St. Louis Cardinals. That probably makes it a bit easier to figure out who is going to show up on that day. I don’t think all of the others are necessarily hard to guess, some of them maybe. Still working through a ton of backlog and these are definitely coming from the oldest in that list.
Other Notes
Amazingly I got another 33 returns last week. I slowed down the amount I’m sending out so I’m really wondering when those numbers are going to slow down a bit more. January is looking really good halfway through though. I also picked up a big Craigslist find. It looks like so far there’s going to be a lot of good TTMs in there. Plus there’s also some fun stuff from a general collecting perspective that I found in there. Hopefully I’ll have a post about that at some point. There was a tone of ’88 and ’89 Topps, but enough other stuff that it made it pretty interesting.
As for what I got back and alluded to in the beginning of the post… Monday brought a great return. Aaron Judge signed a Sports Illustrated I sent via the Yankees in 2017. So first, it’s Aaron Judge and second it’s five years old. It’s always nice to get that. On top of that I got a few more paid returns back from Mickey Lolich, Dale Murphy (via Past Pros), Paul Molitor, and Roy White.
The new Recent TTM Success is updated.
Have a great week!