Review / Preview – Week of 5/27

TTM Review Preview

Seems that my sports teams are just falling off this time of year. The Mets are… the Mets, so there’s that. The Knicks are done. The Rangers however are still in it right now. But Florida is a tough test. They are such a good defensive team and really forecheck so well. This matchup just makes me nervous.

Other than that, just normal stuff going on. Its pretty warm here in Northern Virginia this weekend. Not summer hot, but its getting there. I just always feel like we skip Spring and Fall… or at least I just notice them less these days. I am definitely not someone who enjoys the heat.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and has a great week!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

Last week was an #emeraldcity #twofortuesday and was all about Seattle. The Seahawks and Mariners were both represented there.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: An unfortunate last name…
  • Tuesday: Push and Pulliam…
  • Tuesday: Zdeb-step…
  • Wednesday: Miked up…
  • Thursday: Frank-ly my dear…
  • Friday: The Wright stuff…
  • Saturday: Scottie doesn’t know…
  • Sunday: Tom boy…

The coming week’s #twofortuesday theme is all about Kansas City. I don’t know if there’s another hashtag I can use to describe KC yet. Its specifically Royals so maybe I’ll just go with that.

Other Notes

This was another pretty good week of returns. Hopefully the recent failures keep going down as I had two this week after three the previous week. The total was nineteen returns including those two failures. That;s definitely a bit better than I’ve been doing lately.

The two failures were from Danny Ainge, who just returned the cards, and then Bruce Bochy, who also just returned the cards with a post card of his in there too. I didn’t have any stragglers and there was only one paid return that I recently sent out to Mark Carreon.

The Recent TTM Success page will be updated next weekend.

Have a great week!

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