Review / Preview – Week of 2/27

TTM Review Preview

Another crazy week of travel for work is in the books! So tired….

I hate sleeping in hotels. I need to start bringing a pillow or something. Normally the bed isn’t the issue, but I can’t stand the really soft pillows. I definitely do a lot of tossing and turning when I’m travelling and in hotels.

This week I had to get up super early when I was there to get set up for an event. Then of course I slept terribly the next night after a 12-hour work day. Then I got home and the cats woke me up really early because my wife and kids were travelling to a singing competition. So I had to feed the cats and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I feel like my eyes are sagging down into my cheeks.

On top of all that, I’m on the verge of getting behind on work for the blog and my collecting things that I do. I have to find a way to catch up. Normally a holiday weekend does the trick but I wasted the last one and now I’m just hoping to somehow do a little work each day to catch up to where I like to be.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

This week I got to post something about another Ryan’s Vintage Cards purchase. I’m actually so behind on those that I skipped one. On top of that there’s another on the way and then another coming later after that. I did a “Dave” #twofortuesday but I could have also done something with the “La” last names of LaRoche and LaCorte.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: Millans of peaches, peaches for me…
  • Tuesday: Can I Pettis your dog…
  • Tuesday: Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, Don, Don… (The Empire song)
  • Wednesday: Danger-Russell…
  • Thursday: Can’t Russ it…
  • Friday: He Owens me some money…
  • Saturday: Palls to the wall…
  • Sunday: I’ll have the Ruben…

Just continuing through the backlog this week with no #twofortuesday theme. This week if felt really hard to keep the hints above short.

Other Notes

I got back to have a good week and I was right on track for the pace I want with 18 successful returns. I had one failure this week. This was the second week in a row where I had a return that seem odd. Both of my last returns I felt like I had good addresses for. This time it was John Offerdahl.

There was only one real straggler this week and it was one that I saw others get too. Marion Butts returned an attempt I made in 2019. This one was out for 1202 days.

The Recent TTM Success page is updated.

Have a great week!

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