Review / Preview – Week of 1/16

TTM Review Preview

I got two awesome pieces of mail this week, actually both on the same day… first was one of my recent Ryan’s Vintage Cards purchases (from his Boxing Day offer) and the second was from my Mom. I haven’t gone through Ryan’s just yet (probably sometime today) but I’ve gone through my Mom’s.

You might be thinking, “What could your Mom have sent you that’s worth talking about on your card blog?” Well, cards!

My goes to auctions where she lives and is always on the lookout for cards for me. I’ve given her a little idea of what I tend to look for and I let her decide if it’s worth putting money into. So essentially, she knows what junk wax is, or at least what might be worthwhile to me. Then she figures out if it’s worth the hassle.

She recently found a few binders (which she didn’t send and said is at the house for the next time I come up… probably to entice a visit) and then a few loose sheets and cards in a box. It was enough that she needed help getting to the card. The bulk of the loose cards were about 1975 to 1985 with the vast majority being from 1978 to 1981… all Topps. It’s been fun to go through and it seems to be a lot of things I don’t have and some pretty good TTM cards. I’m hoping to post about it at some point.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

The Review

Here’s what happened on the blog last week:

  • Monday: Tim Wallach
  • Tuesday: Tim Redding, Rick Parker
  • Wednesday: Butch Hobson
  • Thursday: Tommy Helms
  • Friday: Al Pedrique
  • Saturday: Willie Aikens, 2022 Year-In-Review Extravaganza, RIP Bill Campbell
  • Sunday: Jerry Kutzler

I’m continuing to go through my massive backlog. But this week also saw posts that I had a hard time getting out all week. The first was about the death of Bill Campbell, TTM signing here to us all. He died on the sixth and I just couldn’t get my but in gear to say something. The second was the last of my 2022 Year-In-Review posts, that one takes a bit of work and then I just couldn’t work out posting it.

The Preview

Here’s what I have coming up for this week:

  • Monday: The whole Castino and crew…
  • Tuesday: I love Telgheder-ing…
  • Tuesday: Not a mountain man, more of a Hillman…
  • Wednesday: I always wanted to be an Aspromonte-naut…
  • Thursday: Mabry I will, Mabry I won’t…
  • Friday: I’m locked out, I don’t have McKeon me…
  • Saturday: The worst popcorn is made from Ruffcorn…
  • Sunday: It’s Heredia-tary…

No change, still working through the backlog. I will be posting a #LGM #twofortuesday with two Mets from the same era… a bit of a tough era for being a fan, at least for me. There’s a lot of last names in that list of hints, should make them easy.

Other Notes

While I’m looking for consistency this year, I certainly won’t mind an great week like this one. I got back 24 returns with 21 being successes and three being failures. The failures were Henry Cotto (he charges now), Jim Pankovits (who I might have an old address for now), and Derrell Thomas (who just returned my stuff with no note so he either doesn’t sign, charges, or I just got it wrong). No matter what it was a great week.

There were some pretty good stragglers this week. I would say more extreme than the week prior but not more than the week prior:

  • Quinton McCracken – 918
  • Jharel Cotton – 603
  • Dusty Baker – 357
  • Phil Garner – 337

The Recent TTM Success page is updated.

Have a great week!

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